

This module is about bullying victimisation, both face-to-face and online peer interactions. This phenomenon usually, although not always, occurs among schoolmates. For this reason, teachers can play a crucial role in improving the lives of children and adolescents who are bullied or cyberbullied and also preventing its occurrence.

Because of the high prevalence of bullying victimisation and the negative consequences associated with this experience, it represents a violation of children’s rights, as set forth by the United Nations (1959) – including the right to be protected from all forms of discrimination and violence and to experience a safe learning environment that guarantees each child’s freedom and dignity.

Being able to correctly recognize and interpret episodes of bullying that may happen at school is paramount. Even more important is that adults know the strategies and methods to effectively intervene when confronted by an instance of bullying or, indeed, how to prevent it before it happens. These are the learning goals of this module.