
What is the procedure in your country?

8. What is the procedure in your country?

If you have a suspicion or receive a disclosure of child sexual abuse, you have a moral duty (and in some countries a legal duty) to report this to the appropriate authorities to ensure the protection and safeguarding of the child. On the map below you can see the results of a European Union report with 18 participating countries.


Thus, it is vital for school staff to have accurate knowledge of the procedures and steps which you need to follow to be in line with your county’s national protocol. It is also recommended that schools develop their own internal procedures to support teachers in effectively dealing with these kinds of situations.

In most of the countries, after a child sexual abuse disclosure or suspicion, school staff should report to the appropriate child protection network/organisation and provide emotional support to the student throughout the disclosure (as described in the previous section). It is not possible for protection networks and/or other specialised professionals to take any action, without the initial communication from the school and/or other institutions.

European Child Line is a useful resource – It is available 365 days a year in all European countries as a direct, 24-hour child support service. It can be used by both adults and children to communicate any risk situation for a child in cases of disclosure, doubts or suspicion.

Child Help Line International 116 111

As an educator there are many actions you can take – but taking NO ACTION will NOT HELP PROTECT the child.

If you have a suspicion or received a disclosure of child sexual abuse, what immediate actions will you take? To whom will you report the suspicion or disclosure?

Complete this reflective activity about appropriate reporting procedures which are acceptable in any country. Arrange the pieces of the puzzle to put together an appropriate procedure or protocol for dealing with a suspicion or a disclosure of child sexual victimisation.

Click here to see the solution to the above activity